Hello to those who dont know me my name is snapperfisho from NZ, I was a DTK member in 2010. My reason for leaving DTK was due to server issues and ping. Between myself and Corey we started NZOL with locally hosted servers which solved ping problems but also seen me leaving DTK the first clan/community I enjoyed playing with & was welcomed as a member. After playing years of CSGO and PUBG I reinstalled CSS just to remember old times and found myself playing back at DTK. As usual the DTK community is still warm and welcoming.
On a side note there have been rumours about me ddosing the css servers , this is complete fiction. When we ran the NZOL servers we had multiple hosts including streamline and relationships with graphite and the team. We also had people ddos us and found if we engaged in the same tactics it became a vicious circle and no one won. If I wanted to attack or hurt css community's DTK wouldnt be on the list. I have to much respect for squall and Kruger.