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Thread: Just An Idea

  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Just An Idea

    So I was thinking about admin positions and stuff like that when I thought that maybe when you apply for admin you don’t go straight to being admin if you’re accepted.

    Now my thought Is that there could be a TA rank which could be ‘ training admin ‘ you see this could help discover if the person is actually fit for the position. While in the TA position you have a mentor that’s is JA and you go through a series of tests to show if you’re actually capable of being admin.

    If this would be a rank it could be useful for the admins who have to choose who becomes an admin from their application to become one. This could have them show you if they are worthy or not. TA would not have all of the commands a JA or SA could do only few more then what the average player would get. But they should still have the JA responsibility’s like they have to do 7 hours each week And if someone is breaking a rule tell them off for doing so ( even though everyone should be doing that already )

    This may not be a great idea to some but I think if you sorted out all of the technicality’s it could be a pretty good idea. Well in my opinion at least thank you for reading


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  3. #2
    Resident Crayfish
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    [DtK] [Jedi] KT     $ 451.55
    Thanks for the suggestion Strawberry, however the current system will stay the same with how potential admins are processed based on a number of reasons.
    When New Admins are selected they aren't just given free reign on the server, they are given instructions and taught how to admin properly by a more experienced admin. Players are watched on the server to see how they would be as an Admin before any applications are approved, this means watching their interactions with players and seeing whether they step up in an appropriate way to rule breakers and new players etc. It also comes down to whether applicants would fit into the current Admin team or not as you need the dynamic to work. Admins all have the potential for demotion if they are not up to the task and unable to fulfill the role assigned to them as a DtK administrator.

    Players are not given Admin unless they meet the minimum of 7 hours a week for an extended period of time, all applicants for admin on TTT are required before being excepted to meet the same standards as the current Admins on the server, or their application won't be approved.

    Once again thank you for your suggestion as all suggestions are welcome when given in an appropriate way such as your own, I will be closing this thread now as there is no further discussion needed.

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