So as you can see i am no longer SA of TTT anymore after 1 year. I can already tell after being SA for 1 year that some people will be happy with this and others sad but this was going to happen sooner or later. In that time I have seen The Good, The Bad and The Ugly sides of TTT but most of my memories will be good ones. Now i'm not going to disappear from TTT or DtK forever i'll still be around but will be focusing on my apprenticeship this year and due to this it means im not going to be able to continue being admin.
Now ill just like to say thanks to some people. There is too many people to tank and that ive had a connection with. But these are the people who helped or made my time enjoyable.
Squall - Thanks Squall for all the time and effort you put into TTT and alsoputting up with my shit and also giving me the opportunity to be a JA let alone SA. I know i let you down a couple of times but hey now it wont be happening anymore.
Krez - Krez you always got my back and ill always be thankful for that. Having you as Staff has really made my time enjoyable
Ajay - Now i know we may not get along the best atm Ajay but id like to thank you for all the time and effort you put into TTT and hope we can put it behind us now.
Cuffeh - Thanks for all the work you do on the forums and helping me out with using the forums.
Delta - Well i dont really know you that well. All i know is you rage quit from low nova games.
Static - Now i think i saw your bird at the Zoo the other week. He flew a long way. But i wish you all the best Static. You are the best current Bhop Admin imo but thats cause your a lad.
ImtheNewGuy - Thanks for making us a TTT maps and also fixing any bugs we have with any maps.
Blueiv - Even tho you trash talk me on surf id consider you the bro and ill play surf more now ive stepped down.
Shadow Grit - Well shadow shit as much as i dont like to say it to you of all people thank you for letting be admin. Tbh none of this would have been possible without you.
SlidyBat - Wanna shit talk Static now?
Heisen - Dude can you eat grapes?
Now as for the Current and Former TTT Admins that i admined with id like to thank you all for all the work you have done over the years. It was a pleasure to work alongside you. I wish you all the best and hope you can continue to keep TTT going. Some of you i have to thank individually tho.
Hollywood Rex (Lobster) - Id just like to say a huge thanks to all the help you gave me when i first became SA. It really helped me alot and made it alot easier for me.
KT - Now without you TTT would probably still be coasting along as it was before you joined. When you became admin you change TTT alot behind the scenes in hosting events and adding new maps. You have helped TTT alot it become what it is today
Matthew267811 - Matthew you are currently the longest serving TTT admin. I dont know how you can do it tbh but its been a great year working with you.
Rainbow - I will miss you all skins no skill. Now can i please have some skins?
Matt - It was good to catch up with you on zombies on that space station map. Has been a long time since school.
Darkskarr - Yea dont really know you but good job
Ham - Ok so pretty much what i said for KT. You hit the ground running and it was good to have you as an admin.
Boarding - Now as much as i dont like your great ideas you i will always remember you teaching me how to admin TTT and then an earthquake knocks out my power.
Sharkfood - Ahh my first other Kiwi admin. I miss joking around on TTT with you Sharkfood. But Rainbow helped fill that void
Weapon - Weapon there is too much to say on what you shouldnt have done but at least you still play on the reg so i guess you made up for that.
I also shouldnt forget to thank the player base. Without you guys we dont have a server to admin. Some of you are worse than others but now that ive stepped down i hope that those who cause me trouble as an admin id like to say that i hold no hostility towards you anymore.
Now with all this said Peace
- Icey