Dear DtK Community,
Please welcome and congratulate DtK's newest Staff Member :
|DtK| [S] Krezand
Krezand is a long serving member of DtK who has held multiple admin positions during his time with us.
Brief history -
22/09/2010 - Registered on DtK Forums (was 69th person to register)
05/01/2011 - promoted to DtK Veteran
29/01/2011 - promoted to JA of DtK JailBreak
04/05/2011 - promoted to JA of CSS Nilla Server
30/09/2011 - promoted to Events Manager
24/11/2011 - banned by fishy for a day (reason not remembered)
29/10/2012 - takes break from DtK
23/12/2012 - becomes first non-member to become Jedi
30/12/2012 - banned by Curl (reason not known)
04/12/2013 - promoted to Events Manager again
06/01/2017 - Promoted to JA of CS:GO Dust2 FFA
02/04/2017 - Promoted to SA of Admin Management
20/04/2017 - Gets trolled in group chat
20/04/2017 - Promoted to Staff (responsible for admin related matters)
|DtK| [S] Krezand will be responsible for managing admins , admin recruitment and other admin related affairs.
Good luck on your new role , FriedRiceGuy!