Hello everyone, I have made the decision to leave the admin team for Office. Since graduating year 12 and getting a full time job its been a lot harder for me to be able to get on and do the usual admin bizz on the server, I will pop-up every now and again but I think its time for me to leave the admin team iv'e had fun and its been a blast. Iv'e had great moments and met great people, but getting on everyday has now become a pain and turned into something annoying and un-joyable (sadly) and I honestly do think sometimes that it gets in the way of other stuff that i'd like to be doing.
I'd like to thank Knight Ops for the opportunity and seeing the potential in me to become an admin, thanks to all Office Admins for all-in-all creating a really good time in the server with really memorable moments (especially the ones I have caught on video). Iv'e had a great time being an Admin for Office, it truly honestly has been a blast.