Hey guys, I've been dwelling into the realms of online csgo servers and i found a particular server named "retake"
This game-mode creates a quick bomb site retake scenario involving ct's and t's. The matches last around 45 seconds (as long as the bomb is planted), and ct's are placed out and around the bomb site. CT's have to fight there way through the T's and defuse the bomb before it goes off. T's have to fend for their bomb and kill the invading ct's. Players swap teams depending on the out come of the match (i dont know the actual formula). This keeps repeating for 30 rounds and then the map votes happen.
This type of server allows people from DtK to show off there competitive edge/skill against other members.
The server is also used for training purposes as it allows you to get into the retake scenario fast and develop tactics of your own without randomly doing them in competitive.
Retake servers are generally a nice way to play csgo because it really gets the heart of the gameplay.
this will probably not happen but it's food for thought.. peac