So I noticed this area for WoW and figured I'd try and get something going. Any one here play? If so Alliance or Horde, how many 100's you have and what is your main?
If we have enough players interested maybe we could start a DtK guild if it's permitted / wanted.
Or maybe I'm the only one left, dorky enough to still be playing.
I have 12 100's. 11 Horde and 1 Alliance. Main is a Blood Elf Ret Pally / Prot OS.
Majority of my toons are on Oceanic realm Caelestrasz, with the balance and my one alliance 100 on Oceanic realm Saurfang.
Happy to help people level, pimp people through dungeons and raids etc, or just to group up for a chat while rare hunting.
GrumpyGamer#1686 is my Real ID if anyone wants to send me a PM for anything.