Hi I am Ham and I have Idea!
There's been a lot of talk recently about having an Assault Rifle/Pistol only Server for DtK.
There is obviously some Interest, however rather than making a whole new server, a Trial for this Idea could be done on Server #16.
For a Two - Three Week Period, have Server #16 as Assault Rifle/Pistol only to see if this idea would work or have enough interest. The Up Side to this is that if it takes off, then not only does the Server gain population, but those who wanted an Assault Rifle/Pistol only server get what they want. The Down Side is that if no one plays and the server doesn't really take off, then it's pretty pointless and a waste of time.
As an extra incentive, I am willing to provide whoever is Rank 1 by the end of the Trial Period (if it is done) a $50 Steam Game Prize of their Choice.
Note: as there are currently no [EM]'s to set this up, maybe a Staff member or something could :P.