I have just finished my edit of the current BlackOps map, and am waiting for final testing.
Once the map is added to the rotation, if anyone finds any glitches/bugs please post on this thread or message me.
Things that were altered / added:
This game is simply a killer box that is spawned that rotates like crazy.
Expanded the stage and moved the seats to the side.
Also added barriers in between the buttons.
Expanded the room by removing those pillars.
Added all new songs.
Added a game that joins the concepts from land mines (Sand map) and the Look-Up game (NewGuys idea).
Added a big ball for fun
Added swimming lanes for games such as race and bhop to each side.
Changed soccer all together by:
Changing the ball model all together (moves a lot better)
Ball will be teleported so that goals can be scored and recorded
Added a dodge ball feature
Inside doorway
Expanded this doorway so people cannot be doored anymore
Added a button closer to inside for the roller door for Patience
Added proper colors and goal announcers.
Added a basketball texture
Back room in Basketball
This room is for Patience, it shows two cameras for the cell room to help the T's
Added another vent system that allows T's one-way enty to bball from cellroom vents.
All new lava game added with an extra table.
Added a difficult climb with moving blocks
Secret room
Wont give too much away but this room allows you to teleport to different parts of the map using the TV and the remote system.
Also has a cool Awp.
Puck enlarged
Goals fixed to not get from behind
All new textures (By TurtleTom)
The map is now properly optimized so this will reduce lag that was caused by rendering the whole map when everyone was just in one room...