Well after much demand, shouting, and crying, I am happy to inform everyone that we have source bans up and running on all CSS Servers.
For anyone who doesn’t know what Sourcebans is, Sourcebans manages all admin actions and bans made on the game servers. It logs admin bans as well as vote bans made by players. It will apply the ban to all servers so if a player is banned for 1 hr on Gungame, they won’t be able to move on to the next DtK and cause trouble there while waiting for their ban to expire. It will log the admin that makes the ban so if you or someone is banned you can go to the DTK source bans website and protest the ban.
We can now shine a light at the admin that use the ban way too freely and don’t submit demos. We can also look at the players that are constantly vote banned from the servers by you as it shows the number of bans received in the past, it will log the server the ban was received on, the ip of the person banned, time and date.
You can view our DTK source bans here http://dtk.sbans.net/index.php
On a more rewarding note, having sourcebans we are now able to grant new privileges to all of you, our valued members. We will be looking at the following auditions.
· Applying an immunity level which corresponds to your group level in the forums, so you cannot be targeted by a vote from a lower ranked member or most importantly by a non DTK member.
· Apply reserved slots to members so you will not have to wait for connection to a full game server
· Adding another level in the community, with another set of skins.
If anyone has any other ideas of rewards that can be added via custom admin flags, we are open to suggestions.