Hi all,
Thought we would start an Outputs resource list for people to utilize in game.
Please post your outputs and the OP will be updated with them. Be sure to include the effect.
Variable Changes:
Health <variable> - Sets the players health to the desired amount
Gravity <variable> - Sets the players gravity to the desired amount
Rendermode 1. Then: Alpha 0 - Sets the players model so its invisible. Must fire the first command (rendermode 1) then the alpha command separately.
Modelindex - Used to change your model. See Bauxe's tutorial for guide.
Color <variable> <variable> <variable> - Changes the !activators colour using RGB colours.
Targetname <variable> - Sets the name of the !activator
Target <variable> - Sets the Target (eg: trigger_teleport destination)
Ignite - Ignites the !activator
Origin <variable> - Sets the player location to the co-ordinates listed (like teleporting)
setteam <variable> - Sets the players team to 1(spec), 2(T), 3(CT)
OnIgnite entityflame,kill - Will stop you from being lit on fire.