Hi all,

This is a quick tutorial on how to extract textures from a .bsp file for use in hammer.

Tools required
You will only need GCFScape

The process
This process is a quick and simple one - once the GCFScape files are installed, run the program.

You will see something like this:

Click on the little folder at the top left of the screen and browse for the desired map file.

You will see a screen like this:

Go to your cstrike folder (../steam/steamapps/common/counter-strike:source/cstrike/)

You can either put these in the downloads folder, or the custom folder (recommended - if u have it set up).

Hammer will be able to access it wherever you put it, but putting it in the right locations makes packing a map easier.

Drag and drop the materials, models, sound files only - do not move lumps of the map files - into the downloads or custom folder in your cstrike folder.

Overwrite any files in there (or don't, its up to you).

You are done!

Re-open hammer if it wasnt already and browse for the desired textures.