I'm leaving DTK after my 1.5 years of staying.
DTK has become part of my day-to-day routine, but now I'm finding that I'm getting bored of CS:S and CS:GO. I want to branch out of my tree. After playing some matches of League, I've decided upon leaving DTK. Thanks for the good times and the bad times, I might lurk forums a bit but I'm not gonna be playing CS:S for a good while.
Squall: Don't need to reemphasize how awesome this guy is.
Frendy: Awesome guy, never met you personally but I did play a couple of games of MG with you, and your name suits your personality perfectly ;p
Cuffeh: pls stop with all the anime pls
Rowdy: Amazing guy, you were an awesome admin too.
Krez: dud
Link: A spectacular admin for the server. I remember helping you get on DTK ;p
Purp: You were the first SA I met, and you were a tremendous help for the Surf server. GL on being BHop admin!
Digbi: awesome admin k
Corey not batman irl: you never asked me out fgt
KaNuge: I think this describes how I see him.
3:52 PM - Kanuge: you are bronze II
3:52 PM - Kanuge: you cannot judge how good a champion is
3:52 PM - Kanuge: for one champions are never bad or good
3:52 PM - Kanuge: they are all situational
3:52 PM - Yewno Gaysei: They are all opions........
3:52 PM - Yewno Gaysei: This is why I don't tell you shit
3:52 PM - Kanuge: FOR I AM A DICTATOR
3:52 PM - Yewno Gaysei: Dicktater*
3:53 PM - Yewno Gaysei: you stick your dick in taters
Gayradick: Please stop devolving from Espeon to Eevee..... ;c
Pork: i like pork.
Nechy (not sure what colour to use so idek): Cool guy
Regs: After all the tigger games, after all the training ;c
you just keep training, i know you'll become world champ at tigger
CBF'ed doing the rest of them so please dont rage. I forgot tons of cool people like Pilot, Jetpak and Jaydn but w/e