Hello everyone , how we all doing ?
First of all I would just like 2 set things straight , I am in no way insulting DtK , DtK and its Admins and I am souley making this thread as a Worried Long time player who believes something needs 2 be done ASAP .
First I wana start with a little back story : When I first started playing Jb ( almost 3 years ago when Becca was Ja XD ) it was a packed server , almost every night it was full . Remeber this is a time when there was no Ct Test and Becoming ct was souley based on how much u played the server . Becca in my belief was one of the best Admins 2 happen 2 DtK Jailbreak , ( even though I would know a lot of u who would totally disagree ) But anyways she was pretty strict and it was because of this that she gained alot of respect and when ever see was on there was almost no rule breaking and this rubbed off 2 the admins at the time as well .
Ever since becca left ( and her Ja's ) and The CT Test was added there has been a dramatic downfall in the population . Here are my reasons why, there are 2 main things that caused Jb 2 become a almost empty to single digit server .
1. The CT Test : Now like I said before I am not here 2 make any just terms that may offend anyone and the idea its self at first sounds like a good idea . However it took players ( like myself ) Numerous times 2 complete this test , at this time I had been playing jb for over a year and a half and was a effective CT who know the rules and never broke them . I feel like this test is losing pop because it forces people to Join DtK , sign up and do a Test . For some people they just want 2 join a a Jailbreak server and have some fun , maybe they feel like they know the rules and decided 2 go on CT , however finding out that they have 2 sign up and do a test 2 go on ct . Now the way I learned 2 become Ct was First reading the rules and learning them , play playing ct and holding back from warden untill I was comfortable but able 2 warden if necessary .and eventually getting comfortable enough to warden almost every time and be good at it . Sometimes Veteran Warden players just need players in the ct 2 help out and maintain order . I'd honestly rather 4 fairly new Ct's then 2 experienced Ct's . But most of all if your new there is nothing like jumping on ct for the first time and just helping out, and there nothing wrong with it . some of u might say " oh but people might abuse ct " yes that may be the case but thats what Admins are for. We had a system that worked.. why break it ?
Anyways if they got rid of the test and went back 2 the traditional way of just going on Ct when u feel comfortable and gradually building up confidence I would see a large amout of people will tend 2 stay , then say if they realize " oh I have 2 do a test , Cbf " and then leave .
2. Not sure if this was just a coincidence but during the time of DtK's Peek Becca was Sa and she was very strict and it somehow also rubbed off some off the admins , not sure why but ever seen then I have seen not strict enough Admins ( but please don't get me wrong The Admins at the moment are doing a fantastic job as being admins) . Not sure why but I personally love very strict admins , I am not just talking about ohhhh u freekilled a bunch of people u get a perm ban , I am talking about people disrespecting Admins and the admins somewhat ignoring it . Respect is a big thing !! and Respect is earned .
well 2 sum it up , I am just a concerned long time DtK Jailbreak player who feels wthat we need 2 do something and somewhat rewind the clock . I feel we have lost alot of long time players because of these reason and frankly something needs 2 be done . Cassonberry ( the Sa before becca ) called it and made particularly similar thread about a year ago explaining what needs 2 be done and it was somewhat ignored. Look we all know Jb is crumbling and we all see whats going on and we all seem 2 somewhat ignore it ( not all but most ) .
We need 2 do Something !!
Thanks Atariowns