Well after around 6 months of being an SA of this awesome server. I have decided that it is time to leave my position. This decision is purely for the fact that I do not have the passion which i once had for the server. I guess after playing around 1 and a half years of the mod I have just become bored of it. Another factor is that my life is getting busier every day. I now have study, work and sporting commitments that I have to attend to regularly. I have enjoyed my time being a Junior and Senior admin so much, there has been good and bad times, but overall the experience has just been incredible. I am sorry if I have let anyone down with this decision but I feel it is for the best. Jailbreak needs somebody who has the passion which I once had. I will still be playing DTK servers regularly, I love this community, it is like a second home for me.
And on that note I would like to congratulate the newest Senior Admin of DTK Jailbreak
DTK [SA] ShadowGrit!!
Shadow has shown great commitment to the server, constantly getting his hours and has been a great help to me over my time as SA. Congrats brother you will do well, I know you will <3
Now for the shoutouts
Squall: Thank you for putting up with me for all this time, you do an amazing job and I respect you heaps. I look forward to what you have planned for DTK.
Stig: Thank you for making DTK what it is. Without you and Squallo we would not have these amazing servers to play on.
The Jailbreak admin team: You are a amazing bunch of blokes, I respect all of you in different ways. Thank you for making my time as SA enjoyable you were all great to work with. I love you all <3. No homo.
Shadow: Good luck with your new position, I believe in you
JB rands I love you all, thank you for playing on the server and making it a great place to be .
Cuffeh:You are one cool girl, You have given me so much great advice over my time as a Senior Admin and have always been there for me. You are a great person to talk to about anything, whether it be life issues or gaming. You are a Beautiful person all round. You are truly DTK’s Mother figure <3
Assassin: Mate you are one of my best mates in DTK, we have had our good and bad times, you were my right hand man over my time as SA always helping out and suggesting great ideas. You are one of the main reasons I was promoted to JA and I look forward to gaming with you in the future: D.
Frendy: Mate, just RQ now. Na jokes :P. I love you brutha you have always given me good advice and will always be one of my good gaming mates :P
Rowdy: Thankyou for giving me the opportunity to be a Senior Administrator. You are a great role model and a good bloke all round.
S15: You are a tough ♥♥♥♥ that nobody wants to mess with . Thats what I love about you bro haha. You also have quite a good aim on you.
Kao: Awesome bloke, great to game with.
TC_Topcat: You have always been a good role model, great for advice. You were the first admin I met on DTK and you introduced me to this great community. Thank you man
Seany: You are a stoner and a great bloke. I loved having you on the Jailbreak team <3
Pimpact: You are just genuinely a great bloke all round. See you round bru
Crosque: Thanks for all the plugins you supplied for the DTK JB server and helping me out with map testing etc. You are a smart bloke and I am sure you will do great things in life if you use your skills wisely
Ainsle: You are an awesome guy. Thanks for helping with video edits, song edits, Jailbreak events etc. I am truly grateful
Ipoodle: Hur durpa durpa har. You are a funny bloke aren't ya :P. You were a former JB rand and are still a nub xo.
Purple: All round just a great bloke . You were also a SA which doubles your greatness. May the force be with you.
Alexis: Pimpact + You = <3. Good luck with your future, you got a great guy there: D
Dr. Monster: Thanks for being a MG admin that always played JB and was a baws
Becca: I respect you heaps, you have been in DTK for a long time and you have a great unique personality that always makes my gaming experience more enjoyable on Gungame.
Zororak: I have known you since the days of BFG, you are one of the reasons I joined up to DTK servers and you are one of the most active JB rands I know. Good luck with your life mate. Make some more maps btw
Conq: Do you even lift bro
Finch: You are a great bloke, good luck with your position as a Events Manager. I shall game with you in the future
Ironwolf: You are some pedo that plays JB and prouls after little children . hahaha Jkes you are a great guy and a even better JB rand.
Bento: Thanks for making me mind♥♥♥♥ed half the time I talk to you. You really know how to make a conversation weird haha. You are also a good guy to game with, see you ingame bro.
Krezrand: Interesting bloke to talk to, you have given me some good advice over my time in DTK. Good luck with your role as events manager. You are also a rand.
Slyfox: You are a Sly Fox. You are really ninja and half the time I play with you I don't even realise you are there haha.
Umesh Sharma: Who are you?
Angro: Thanks for being a long serving JB rand, you are a good guy and have been in DTK for a long time. Good luck with life.
Denathen: Awesome bloke to game with, see you ingame bro.
Regs: I work at KFC want some chicken?
Daniel: You were a great former JB admin, you helped me grow into this community, and helped me a fair bit with my admin back when I was a JA nub giving me good tips. See you ingame some time mate.
Curl: Do you even go here
DTK Community: I would like to thank all of you for making this community such a great place to be. I look foward to the future of DTK and the many memories to come.
And that ends my awesome shoutouts . If i missed anyone I am sorry, there is so many great people in this community I love you all <3.