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Thread: Goodbye my lovers, goodbye my friends :)

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    crosq has a reputation beyond repute crosq has a reputation beyond repute crosq has a reputation beyond repute crosq has a reputation beyond repute crosq has a reputation beyond repute crosq has a reputation beyond repute crosq has a reputation beyond repute crosq has a reputation beyond repute crosq has a reputation beyond repute crosq has a reputation beyond repute crosq has a reputation beyond repute crosq's Avatar
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    Goodbye my lovers, goodbye my friends :)

    Shit, got a bit lost there. Alright it has come to my time to say goodbye and this ain't no ordinary thread, it has so much swag it has pilot jones tripping'. Started from jailbreak, when mr conq invited me to join (hey, the queues say something you do it), first greeting was when I said "oh g'day mate" no one replied, apart from topcat. (this is after he kindly fixed my mic) that man is so helpful there should be a statue made out of minecraft diamonds in the middle of Sydney. I have had many friends throughout this server, so for that I put my hands together. I've put "some" shoutouts together, I won't be leaving CSS but hey what's it hurt... a few shoutouts?
    • Squall - After 1 month of a friend request pending on steam you accepted. Isn't that something to brag about?
    • Stig - My love for you is great, higher than a tower of salami. Deathmatch - Clearly my knife doesn't like you, your bullets are greater.. I get it, I can't dodge em.
    • Chibiwind - Do you even talk?
    • Cuffeh -There's a rule in jb called no special treatment... I like this rule.
    • CurlTheBurl - If I didn't have a name, I'd steal your name man... kickin' the burl.
    • Frendy - Hey you still have swag. Known you forever, what's there to tell... jesus christ though never seen you stay for a whole map, you end up rage quitting.
    • Rowdy - Two peas in a pod, we've shared good times. You where a great SA for jailbreak, I know why it remained popular now...
    • S150 - I bet you have a good car, dude I want it.
    • Dean - Enjoyed the time I spent with you but being truthful, DUMP YOUR MISSES.. I can't stand your stories how she did this and that. Go for sushi, fling some wasabi in her face then bail. (worked for me).
    • CookieMonster - I'd so eat you right now, still surprised you came a admin on surf and not jailbreak.
    • Goose - Quack quack, dunno. We never really got on, you know that but I still respect you.
    • Jetpackin - Oh man I admire you, if you transformed into one of thoses American donuts at the top donut stores, there would be a huge bite taken out of it. ♥♥♥♥ that sounds creepy.
    • Like_a_Bauxe - Dude, took me 5 mins to write your name. Sorry you know and I know, your warden skills are pro you know what i'm talking about.
    • Mellow - I still want you to start your own government with blackjack and hookers.
    • Nechayy - I swore that when you first joined, I thought you where like 30... your first dp on forums, was like... step back nechays here.
    • NinjaTurtle - Ditch jailbreak for zombies, I will never live this down friend!
    • Pimpact - Do you even lift? Btw, let's set all Ts hp to 1 and chuck a nade in.
    • Shadow - I have liked you since the start, regular admin on jailbreak even though you love your ban buttons on new players... have a laugh you know it's true. Was a pleasure playing with you within jailbreak.
    • Standardise - ♥♥♥♥ you annoy me... I always have to try when I join deathmatch when you're on... you make my balls break.
    • Champz - I'll never forget the day you where a normal user and you taught me secrets about the map summer.. I played it for what years? (who knew there was guns there? tsk tsk)
    • Finch - I'll never forget the day YOU DESTROYED MY MINECRAFT TREEHOUSE... seriously WHY. Put TNT anywhere... in the middle of the sea... on the startup area... god knows where BUT IN MY TREEHOUSE WHY?!
    • Krezrand - All I know is you seem to have your fingers glued to your keyboard.
    • Pilot Jones - s...w..a..g...... swag... swag.... swag.... SWAG SWAG SWAG!
    • Ainslie - I still watch that bar game, just lols. You're such a nice person, made jailbreak a fun experience.
    • Juggernaut - LEMME SMANG IT SMANGERNAUT.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xt5ghXdq6Z0
    • Purp - All Ts my spray is down.... #killfeed
    • Pwnage - Look, there isn't much to say but I love you.
    • Arkward - Sorry but I really don't like you... not in a mean way, but if you're going to tell your views about whatever to people, sure. Thing is don't always think you're right.. there's no right and wrong. #sorrybutiloveyou
    • Assassin - We've always stayed in contact, for reasons you know why... I enjoyed my time with you even though I always pushed your buttons (in a fun way)... you where always too scared to ban me though!
    • Atariowns - Used to love playing on CT with you, hey.. when I was a nazi... we used to plow through scoreboards. Can't stop laughing at your voice though, I love it!
    • Blink - Old.
    • Cassonberry - I miss your berries... you left jb... still disappointed.
    • Chase - Gungame, used to be a regular. "hey mate, how do I get admin?" you where a very nice person, most people would redirect you to lemon party...
    • Danieel - One of my jailbreak favs admins, god man I miss you.
    • Denathen - You're a kind person, but ♥♥♥♥... why leave jailbreak for a bunch of knuckle heads running around with magic shit that spawns out of a pistol...
    • Gman - You sir are a good friend of mine, whatever your age is... who ever you are, you sir have been a pleasure to have played with throughout jailbreak.
    • I Own A Horse - Lets face it, you don't even own a donkey let alone a horse. I love you, we had such great times in jb... lets take a picture and think of horse meat.
    • Poodle - I sat at my computer drunk just looking at that Pokemon ball go round and round.
    • Jasper - I have read every single post of yours in that thread dedicated to you... I have a few numbers for you to call, you're creeping me out man. Again another great jailbreak admin, though you deserted your post!
    • Kao - How many times have we been over this... KAY-YO.
    • Topcat - You are a great friend to have and know more about me than post people here. Lovely person. If you want more than a statue, I can donate my life savings of cut off toenails? http://dl.pubgs.com/images/tn.jpg
    • Life is a Highway - I wanna ride it, all night long.
    • Nospro - Sad when you got demoted, I liked you my friend!
    • Plox - Man, your lisp... I dig it. You're a cool dude too, even if we didn't get along...
    • Seany - I type your name in wordpad, always corrects it to Seamy... or is it seeny?
    • Swper - We've been in touch, you still owe me $30.. but cause I love you I don't care. P.S. I robbed your wallet.
    • Synthetic - Change your name to Syntax, god that name sounds boss. [black people music here].. met you a few times here and there, by the looks of things your judgements are always fair. This sounds like a ♥♥♥♥ing fortune cookie! LOL.
    • Vladimir - You have vodka... I have vodka... I'm saying this in your voice in my head right now.
    • Loo - If you glitch lava on summer one more time, I'll actually push you in a pool... with sharks. I look forward in the future to free kill you.
    • Darkness - Your voice is creepy man. #aloneinadarkroom
    • MHK - What rank are you again mr taxi driver?
    • Sergeant Stoner - "G'day all Ts, I'll be your ♥♥♥♥ing warden for today"
    • Yellow - Greeeeeen
    • Burlesque - TC is a lucky man, you're a gem.
    • Conq - if you weren't apart of the queues, I'd bhop the ♥♥♥♥ out of you.
    • Ironwolf - Back to the mines my dear friend.
    • Ghost ride - Where has this man gone, used to be a regular jb player then just before dean got SA... he vanished...
    • Jigsaw - WHAT DO TURTLES DO? nothing. love you mr turtle king.
    • Parry - "f&$@@'n respawn please" admin has muted deadchat.
    • raainNspam - "ughhh.... ugh... ugh... I was afk in cells warden"
    • Appleiphone4 - There's a iphone 5 out my cute Chinese friend, I love you! #jailbreaktimes
    • applejack - Why for dear god do you name yourself after a Pokemon, you don't see me naming myself a bloody digimon. Great friend, great times I've had with you.
    • Becca - beeeeeeeeecccccaaaaa! Still remember the day you told me you demo'd every map and you filled a hard drive by doing so.
    • Bento - Stop liking my posts, you're killing me here man.... KILLING ME.
    • Fishy - Man, you added so much to dtk is wasn't funny. Still to this day, everyone respects you. You're a great person, just leave the bowl on at all times (read the fine print).
    • Jay - Rap for me again, bring out them beats. #nextsurfadmin
    • Kangue - Minigames rand you. If you want a kiss, I'll give you a kiss.
    • Kingoff - ♥♥♥♥you <3
    • Langi - RIP my friend, you are always greatly missed. A friend of mine will always stay a friend of mine.
    • Lama - I swear your tactics in gungame are... charge middle, might pick off a few! "Lama killed by".
    • Rawmower - Even though you're the fake mower... I did enjoy our games of L4D2. Nice job getting smashed by the tank every 3 seconds.
    • regs - All I've heard is you like chicken man. I like chicken too?
    • Scourge - Mrs queue, you're another gem!
    • TurtleTom - Sing me a song!
    • OneManGrill - How you thought of your name I have no clue, just having a beer... (wait apple juice) and you thought about grilling a man? LOL. I love you dude, all the best times happened in jailbreak with you.
    • Clunkyspoon - Teamkill me one more time, I'll poor coffee on myself.
    • Tacowizard - I consider you as a great bhopper... You're the most funniest dude in my eyes.
    • Skittlez - Hey you! God, thoses conversations... thank god that is over and we're all square. I look forward to more of you in the future.. xo
    • ILostMyCarrot - Dude, I have no ♥♥♥♥ing clue where your carrot is.
    • Turtle Son - "hey dean, watch this - [player muted, player muted, player muted, played muted] - Turtle Son lost 5 points for dropping the bomb". I'd be lost without you, just kidding ♥♥♥♥that.
    • Paradox - "I punched a goat once, it died"
    • CodyD - You're such a cool kid dude, hey I'm older than you but still I can have loads of fun with you.. you act double your age in my eyes.
    • Godric - Pro rebeller? I'll admit it, you've got me under your armpits.. I can smell the sweat.
    • Brother Truth - Thankyou for being a lovely BOT on the jailbreak server.. I want you.
    • Pork - Bacon? Pork? Bacon? Pork? what.
    • Crosq - Personal achievement of being the longest Neophyte ever, in your face bento. I made it to M once...maybe? Oh wait, nope.. Still N.

    I love all you guys. Once again, thank you for listening to me sing in jailbreak.... and deal with my horrid fuzzy microphone. It has been a huge amount of fun for me and I hope I entertained most of you in the server. Might be on dtk jb sometimes

    My lord, I need to point this out... what in the ♥♥♥♥ is wii friend on my profile. Stared at this 6 hours once, still couldn't come to a conclusion!

    Mr crosqueue,
    signing out. xox
    Last edited by crosq; 12-05-13 at 10:33 PM. Reason: Needed to add Brother Truth, couldn't live without a BT.

    Talk does not cook rice.

  2. #2
    Points: 22,917, Level: 66
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    Mellow has a reputation beyond repute Mellow has a reputation beyond repute Mellow has a reputation beyond repute Mellow has a reputation beyond repute Mellow has a reputation beyond repute Mellow has a reputation beyond repute Mellow has a reputation beyond repute Mellow has a reputation beyond repute Mellow has a reputation beyond repute Mellow has a reputation beyond repute Mellow has a reputation beyond repute Mellow's Avatar
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    Farewell Friend


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  4. #3
    Force Master
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    Dean has a reputation beyond repute Dean has a reputation beyond repute Dean has a reputation beyond repute Dean has a reputation beyond repute Dean has a reputation beyond repute Dean has a reputation beyond repute Dean has a reputation beyond repute Dean has a reputation beyond repute Dean has a reputation beyond repute Dean has a reputation beyond repute Dean has a reputation beyond repute Dean's Avatar
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    [DtK] [Jedi] Dean     $ 0.00
    Cya man. You were a good helper on many occasions and you are a great JB rand.

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  6. #4
    DTK Meth Lab Owner
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    Jetpackin has a reputation beyond repute Jetpackin has a reputation beyond repute Jetpackin has a reputation beyond repute Jetpackin has a reputation beyond repute Jetpackin has a reputation beyond repute Jetpackin has a reputation beyond repute Jetpackin has a reputation beyond repute Jetpackin has a reputation beyond repute Jetpackin has a reputation beyond repute Jetpackin has a reputation beyond repute Jetpackin has a reputation beyond repute Jetpackin's Avatar
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    [DtK] [Jedi] Jetpackin     $ 51.38
    Goodbye corsq, you lovely child. Have a prosperous life in the realm of Jetpackin, i always wanted to say that i loved you more, than cnoq.
    Jetpackin': wtf weirdo
    Illumifarti: thats wot the doctor said wen u were born
    Illumifarti: OOO
    Jetpackin': hahahaha
    Jetpackin': the doctor put u on the registered pedophiles list as soon as he saw ur face

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  8. #5
    TC's gf
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    Burlesque has a reputation beyond repute Burlesque has a reputation beyond repute Burlesque has a reputation beyond repute Burlesque has a reputation beyond repute Burlesque has a reputation beyond repute Burlesque has a reputation beyond repute Burlesque has a reputation beyond repute Burlesque has a reputation beyond repute Burlesque has a reputation beyond repute Burlesque has a reputation beyond repute Burlesque has a reputation beyond repute Burlesque's Avatar
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    [DtK] [T] Burlesque     $ 0.00
    Thankyou for my shoutout. Yes, TC is a lucky man

    I'm not sure the world is ready for a statue of him in the middle of Sydney though!
    What ruffles your jimmys???

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  10. #6
    The Real Shadow
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    Shadow has a reputation beyond repute Shadow has a reputation beyond repute Shadow has a reputation beyond repute Shadow has a reputation beyond repute Shadow has a reputation beyond repute Shadow has a reputation beyond repute Shadow has a reputation beyond repute Shadow has a reputation beyond repute Shadow has a reputation beyond repute Shadow has a reputation beyond repute Shadow has a reputation beyond repute Shadow's Avatar
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    [DtK] [Jedi] Shadow     $ 100.00
    cya crosq... you were great once, nobody will forget your ct ban ... good luck with your future, if things don't work out you can always come back... im just sorry that we ended the way we did. nice knowing you

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  12. #7
    Alley Cat
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    TC_TopCat has a reputation beyond repute TC_TopCat has a reputation beyond repute TC_TopCat has a reputation beyond repute TC_TopCat has a reputation beyond repute TC_TopCat has a reputation beyond repute TC_TopCat has a reputation beyond repute TC_TopCat has a reputation beyond repute TC_TopCat has a reputation beyond repute TC_TopCat has a reputation beyond repute TC_TopCat has a reputation beyond repute TC_TopCat has a reputation beyond repute TC_TopCat's Avatar
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    So glad I started the strongly pronounced 'queue' revolution.

    Youre a great bloke mate. With a sexy name. Thx for my shoutout
    TopCats Rebelling Guide + Seargent_Stoners Wardening Guide + Mellows Guard Guide
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  14. #8
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    GmanSk has a reputation beyond repute GmanSk has a reputation beyond repute GmanSk has a reputation beyond repute GmanSk has a reputation beyond repute GmanSk has a reputation beyond repute GmanSk has a reputation beyond repute GmanSk has a reputation beyond repute GmanSk has a reputation beyond repute GmanSk has a reputation beyond repute GmanSk has a reputation beyond repute GmanSk has a reputation beyond repute GmanSk's Avatar
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    [DtK] [V] GmanSk     $ 50.00
    Good bye crosq

    Sucks that you are leaving, It was great playing with you

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  16. #9
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    Scakk has a brilliant future Scakk has a brilliant future Scakk has a brilliant future Scakk has a brilliant future Scakk has a brilliant future Scakk has a brilliant future Scakk has a brilliant future Scakk has a brilliant future Scakk has a brilliant future Scakk has a brilliant future Scakk has a brilliant future Scakk's Avatar
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    [DtK] [N] Scakk     $ 0.00
    Cya Crosq! I still remember that one time you welcomed me to the DtK tags.

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  18. #10
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    Arkwark has a reputation beyond repute Arkwark has a reputation beyond repute Arkwark has a reputation beyond repute Arkwark has a reputation beyond repute Arkwark has a reputation beyond repute Arkwark has a reputation beyond repute Arkwark has a reputation beyond repute Arkwark has a reputation beyond repute Arkwark has a reputation beyond repute Arkwark has a reputation beyond repute Arkwark has a reputation beyond repute Arkwark's Avatar
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    Goodbye Crosq, I liked you, hahaha I'm just a troll and write random shit, my views aren't really my views I just like arguments to sprout.

    Enjoy my friend!

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  20. #11
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    crosq has a reputation beyond repute crosq has a reputation beyond repute crosq has a reputation beyond repute crosq has a reputation beyond repute crosq has a reputation beyond repute crosq has a reputation beyond repute crosq has a reputation beyond repute crosq has a reputation beyond repute crosq has a reputation beyond repute crosq has a reputation beyond repute crosq has a reputation beyond repute crosq's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Scakk View Post
    Cya Crosq! I still remember that one time you welcomed me to the DtK tags.

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  22. #12
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    Pork. has a brilliant future Pork. has a brilliant future Pork. has a brilliant future Pork. has a brilliant future Pork. has a brilliant future Pork. has a brilliant future Pork. has a brilliant future Pork. has a brilliant future Pork. has a brilliant future Pork. has a brilliant future Pork. has a brilliant future Pork.'s Avatar
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    Pork.     $ 0.00
    Noo crosqtee! glhf.
    Find me on MINIGAMES!


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  24. #13
    Too busy travelling the world.
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    Satalin has a reputation beyond repute Satalin has a reputation beyond repute Satalin has a reputation beyond repute Satalin has a reputation beyond repute Satalin has a reputation beyond repute Satalin has a reputation beyond repute Satalin has a reputation beyond repute Satalin has a reputation beyond repute Satalin has a reputation beyond repute Satalin has a reputation beyond repute Satalin has a reputation beyond repute Satalin's Avatar
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    [DtK] [Jedi] Satalin     $ 273.71
    Thx for the shout out Crosq, it was always fun on the jailbreak when you were on. Hope to see you again soon.

    "I don't know. When I came to I was abandoned in this world. An unknown sky. Not knowing where or how to get back. Not even dreaming of hope. - Merry Nightmare "
    "Do you want to know where the real hell is hiding? It’s inside your head. - Chrona"

    "A sound soul…resides within a sound mind, and a sound body. - Maka Albarn"
    "The thing you wished for the most, is something you’ll never get. - Aisaka Taiga"
    SS | DaChampzLegend: im gonna start shit on regs thread
    SS | DaChampzLegend: try and stop me
    | ☆ Frendy ☆ | |DtK|: DONT ♥♥♥♥
    | ☆ Frendy ☆ | |DtK|: LITTLE ♥♥♥♥
    | ☆ Frendy ☆ | |DtK|: IM FLEXIN MY TINY MUSCLES
    SS | DaChampzLegend: do u even know how to ping?
    | Frendy | DtK |: yes
    | Frendy | DtK |: use cmd prompt :O
    | Frendy | DtK |: i remember
    SS | DaChampzLegend: but do u know how to ping a server
    | Frendy | DtK |: finch taught me how
    SS | DaChampzLegend: ping
    | Frendy | DtK |: insted of the web address dont you just put in the ip?
    | Frendy | DtK |: No
    SS | DaChampzLegend: obvious ip is obvious
    | Frendy | DtK |: thats my local ip
    | Frendy | DtK |: im not f.u.c.kin retarded!
    SS | DaChampzLegend: thats ur ip, so u'll be pinging urself
    Ahri <3

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  26. #14
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    TurtleSon has a spectacular aura about TurtleSon has a spectacular aura about TurtleSon has a spectacular aura about TurtleSon's Avatar
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    hey crosq, so sad to see you leave dtk
    lol jks, have fun at PM me for link
    Last edited by Frendy; 12-05-13 at 11:49 PM. Reason: Edited out advert...

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  28. #15
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    Nechayyy has a reputation beyond repute Nechayyy has a reputation beyond repute Nechayyy has a reputation beyond repute Nechayyy has a reputation beyond repute Nechayyy has a reputation beyond repute Nechayyy has a reputation beyond repute Nechayyy has a reputation beyond repute Nechayyy has a reputation beyond repute Nechayyy has a reputation beyond repute Nechayyy has a reputation beyond repute Nechayyy has a reputation beyond repute Nechayyy's Avatar
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    Damn, I guess I'll have to take your #1 rank and be a pro warden (I already am), Goodbye <3

    P.S: I already took your singing job, I sing whenever I bomb wardens

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  30. #16
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    ilostmycarrot is a jewel in the rough ilostmycarrot is a jewel in the rough ilostmycarrot is a jewel in the rough ilostmycarrot's Avatar
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    Crosq so disappointed. You should have 5 paragraphs bout me. God

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  32. #17
    The Cycle Must Continue
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    Synthetic has a reputation beyond repute Synthetic has a reputation beyond repute Synthetic has a reputation beyond repute Synthetic has a reputation beyond repute Synthetic has a reputation beyond repute Synthetic has a reputation beyond repute Synthetic has a reputation beyond repute Synthetic has a reputation beyond repute Synthetic has a reputation beyond repute Synthetic has a reputation beyond repute Synthetic has a reputation beyond repute Synthetic's Avatar
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    [DtK] [V] Synthetic     $ 35.00
    lol'd at some of the shout outs. Sucks to see you go, but hopefully I'll run into you some time. Those shout outs must of taken ♥♥♥♥ing forever to write haha.
    Thanks for the shout out as well, was very surprised to see my name :O
    Come Join us and play on the DtK Zombie Server!

    Thanks Stormy for the amazing sig <3

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  34. #18
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    Iamipood has a reputation beyond repute Iamipood has a reputation beyond repute Iamipood has a reputation beyond repute Iamipood has a reputation beyond repute Iamipood has a reputation beyond repute Iamipood has a reputation beyond repute Iamipood has a reputation beyond repute Iamipood has a reputation beyond repute Iamipood has a reputation beyond repute Iamipood has a reputation beyond repute Iamipood has a reputation beyond repute Iamipood's Avatar
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    Iamipood     $ 0.00
    you ♥♥♥♥ing ♥♥♥♥ing ♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥♥ why would you ♥♥♥♥ing leave me you ♥♥♥♥
    I'll miss u crosq-eueeeeeeee.

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  36. #19
    From the Financial Times
    Points: 7,952, Level: 38
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    Ironwolf has much to be proud of Ironwolf has much to be proud of Ironwolf has much to be proud of Ironwolf has much to be proud of Ironwolf has much to be proud of Ironwolf has much to be proud of Ironwolf has much to be proud of Ironwolf has much to be proud of Ironwolf has much to be proud of Ironwolf has much to be proud of Ironwolf's Avatar
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    [DtK] [V] Ironwolf     $ 0.00
    Indeed I am back in the middle of nowhere. But never too remote I can't check up on the forums.

    Goodbye my good friend. I will miss playing JB with you.

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  38. #20
    Junior Member
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    Nechayyy has a reputation beyond repute Nechayyy has a reputation beyond repute Nechayyy has a reputation beyond repute Nechayyy has a reputation beyond repute Nechayyy has a reputation beyond repute Nechayyy has a reputation beyond repute Nechayyy has a reputation beyond repute Nechayyy has a reputation beyond repute Nechayyy has a reputation beyond repute Nechayyy has a reputation beyond repute Nechayyy has a reputation beyond repute Nechayyy's Avatar
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    Nechayyy     $ 0.00
    Oh I forgot my old dp on forums, I'm getting it back

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