Originally Posted by
Squall Most of the lag issue stems from the recent Steampipe update not the MOTD. CPU/Memory usage is in some cases 2-3 times more after the update on both servers and client side resulting in jitter and fps drops.
There was a pre-release build from Valve which apparently addressed the above issue and i tested this by applying the new build on our servers earlier this week (hence the unscheduled maintenance). The new build did show better performance with cpu/memory usage reduced from 300% to what we usually got before the Steampipe update. However as this pre-release build isn't supported by Sourcemod, it was crashing the servers and thus I reverted back to the previous build.
Good news is that the pre-relaese build has now been pushed as a stable optional update. There are still a few reports of certain addons not being compatible but as soon as these issues are resolved, I will update the servers to the new build. This shouldn't be too far off, maybe early tomorrow morning or the next 3 days.