Hows it going guyz, been a long time since i've been on JB and the website, havnt touched any games for 2 months. I've been on vaccation for 1 and a half months and havnt talked to any of my old friends (frendy, nos spacy and many more) so apologies for that.
So how is JB comming along. I've noticed various changes on the website today so am exited to visit everone in game. I can imagine JB being brighter with new leaders comming in supporting jb such as Dean [SA], spacy and jetpacking [JA] and krez [Jedi] so congratz to everyone while others are stil trying to keep the community alive such as god fav (keep it going buddy). Others might stil be sad about Jasper and frendy, idk if they stil come on jb, havn't talked with anyone in ages apparently.
In any case i wanted to recieve everyones opinion on current JB status, how do the neo, members and troopers + Vet feel about JB currently, are their alot of players online during daytime or nighttime? are their any new rules comming along that some people are against, any new changes to server people may like (in general)? how are the new updates, heard there were new skins and maps for christmas wat do people feel about them.
Feel free to comment below, this is an open thread for everyone wanting to share something, it could not only help me but JB as wel improve in few aspects. Oh and please try to restrain any harsh words and feeling towards someone specific, this is opinion giving thread not a debating thread.
See you guyz soon in game, hope to see everyone back and lively again
Oh an merry xmas everyone <3