Hey guys just thought i make this post if you didnt know, There was a big CS:Go competition "Dreamhack Valancia" anyway Some of the top tier teams from around Europe from 1.6 and Source battled it out to claim pretty much the strongest Cs:Go team in Europe and the world. NiP also known as Ninja in pajama's beat verygames in the grand final. Nip is made up of proffesional 1.6 players and also source.
Here are some vids from the event.
NiP Roster
Patrik "f0rest" Lindberg
Christopher "GeT_RiGhT" Alesund
Richard "Xizt" Landström
Robin "Fifflaren" Johansson
Adam "friberg" Friberg
VeryGames Roster
Kevin "Ex6TenZ" DROOLANS
Edouard "SmithZz" DUBOURDEAUX
Kenny "Kennys" Schrub