Hey guys,
I'm not going into any of it here, but the short and sweet version is I am Stepping down from my Admin and Staff Responsibilities, I am lacking in free time, motivation and have grown to be far far far too impatient for the roles I have been performing.
I need to thank the council guys who put up with my pushiness and let me somewhat run free.
Staff for helping me and teaching me. Fighting with me and supporting me. Sorry guys for leaving you high and dry like this <3.
EM's SA's and JA's for stressing me and making it fun. Nagging me and helping me.
All the ranked members for putting into making DtK what it is.
All the non ranked players who help populate the servers...
Apologies I couldn't help more while we were short-manned, I tried my best.
Apologies to the people I wrongly told off, I am sure there is more than one of you but I do apologizes.
Also a big sorry to those who don't like me Rage-quitting like this, I have become too impatient and stubborn. Sozlol.
Sorry to the few who are wrongly banned and infracted thanks to misunderstandings, I would love to reverse them all but I cant.
Time for me to sit back in the members ranks and enjoy the servers.
Good luck to whoever takes my spot/s.
<3 Most of you.