Ok this is an idea i came up with while i was at work. The rules are somewhat similar to a joke or talent day. yes these are long and sometimes boring but the idea of storytime can change this.
Ok so at the start of the day, warden calls storytime. (for lols you can name it storytime with 'insert warden name here') then what happens is he gathers the Ts up into a place where they cant rebel.
The warden starts off by starting a story. e.g. "One day i went for a walk down the street when i found..." this is where the Ts take off. One at a time the Ts will get called up to the spotlight to extend on. They will be asked to add abit more to the story e.g "a mysterious object on the ground. it was...'. The bit the T adds has to make sense and also fit in with the story. The story can be about anything. the only limit is your imagination.
The CTs judge the T adding content and assess whether they live or die. if they live they get a bonus which i will talk about later. While the CTs are assessing and are done with the current T, all other Ts are advised to think about what they will do. Unlucky for the first chosen XD.
Now for the good part, when the game is over, what happens is the warden is (as the story goes through) copy and paste all the bits of the story (Even of those who havnt qualified to live) and add them into 1 big story. This will be added onto the forum for those who didnt participate to see how screwed up of sophisticated we can be. Also, the surviving Ts will have their names in the credits for the story so make sure you add something good.
Ok guys thanks for reading and I hope to try this day out soon. Kbye