[Round 7 Match 26] Neophyte vs Jedi [Saturday...
[Round 4 Match 15] Member vs Neophyte [Sunday...
[Round 4 Match 15] JA vs CouncilStaffSA Sunday...
Dear DTK Community, A bit late this year but we are starting off this years competitive season (DtK's) with an InterRank Championship. This will...
Match Format: Matches will be standard Warmod format. 1. Each team will have 5 players each 2. A knife only round will be used to pick sides...
Dear DtK Community DtK InterRank 2017 Champions are the Jedi Team who remained undefeated for the duration of the tournament. This does not...
Dear DtK Community, The two teams at the top of the ladder after the final round of matches are Jedi Member These 2 teams will therefore...
Dear DtK Community, The following is the format for the DtK CS:GO InterRank Championship 2017:
Dear DtK Community, The two teams on top of the rankings at the end of the round matches are JediTrooperMember and JA. These two teams will...
Dear DtK Community, The following is the format for the DtK CS:GO InterRank Championship 2016:
Dear DTK Community, We are starting off this years competitive season (DtK's) with an InterRank Championship. This will see teams from each of...
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