Threads that are closed or haven't been posted in for four or more weeks will be locked and moved to this section of the forums. If you wish for a...
ok right now on JB there are 8 different people with the firts word of their name being Salamander, (Salamander King, Salamander Queen) IT IS NEARLY...
For those Ct's out there that are not to sure how To pick up warden Once warden dies. Basic : When warden Dies Please say clearly and sorta Loudly...
I took a long break from counter strike, I come back, along with my friend nom nom, he has just bought the game from steam today. He was asking the...
Hey guys, I know alot of you guys LOVE the jailbreak server, i also know another thing. Nobody likes uncreative wardens. Its not fun when you kills...
Hey everyone, just looking for a general concensus (preferably from admins\council) about this situation in JB. Its a bit of a grey area in the rules...
I think there should be like a 3 or so minute countdown in lr. We literaly just sat through 2 lrs in a row that went for at least 5 or 6 minutes...
Okay i have 3 sprays Unamed Sprays the first 3 people to tell me which one they would like Gets the spray. Only Say Yeah i want the spray only if...
hmmmmmmm if we do a race outside can we like put down 3 or more sparys depending on how many CTs there are and state b4 race starts what trick or...
Hey guys, Some shits been going around about me and why I was removed as admin and why I was inactive and I'd just like to clear up why. Due...
Scrap this post................. CANCELLED!!
Hey does anyone know where all the 6 switches are in lockdown? lol i know where the 1st and 6th secret switches are but have no idea where the...
Clarification: When the warden says Go back to disco, But you were never in disco. Do you still have to go back? Reason: Going back somwhere...
hey guys im just asking if there a prob with the admin comands war we was having bit of a war on jb and we got few spawns and i got none dan the ja...
Get rid of the music at the start of a map The music is annoying kthxbi
I have a pretty good idea for when you die on JB maybe if dtk sets up an arcade system like where there are cool online games just to have a fun...
Im really curious to know how to get into the secret room on the lunar map and what happens when you do get in? anyone know? or is it a secret for a...
on the map jb_ytd_beta_v2_fix i was shooting the soccor ball into the goals and the ball made another ball:confused::confused: i have a...
I thought it would be cool to have a game where all the T's have to team up to kill a ct, and the T that strikes the final blow being the "winner". ...
Hey guys, Just wanted to apologise for freekilling on the jailbreak server today. I'm pretty noob to jb and I didn't hear the wardens orders...
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