Hey guys, Event name/What server will it be held on? Hannibal challenge !/ Zombie server Estimated date/time Somtime during the holidays ofc...
Can i suggest a tournament, have ranks reset (or backed up) and run for say 3 - 4 weeks, prizes for 1st 2nd and 3rd? I will provide all prizes for...
Hey Event boi's i have a idea for a event on the new CS:GO gun game. It might be a little while before we could actually do it (server still in its...
A suggestion that's been talked about on the zombie server lately, A saddam day event! What this is, is we use awps on all zombie maps for a day...
This isn't a suggestion, it's going to happen and it's going to happen Wednesday the 15th Who wants to come? I'll announce specific details on the...
I was thinking to have a dust event where we can only use pistols and tmps. No sniper rifles or asolt rifels. :)
Hey guys i came up with an idea that we should have a themed weekend. The theme should be cowboys and indians, where as the CTs are cowboys and the...
Instead of the typical scenario of zombies hunting down humans how about we switch things up a bit? This event sounds easy to pull off and...
I was thinking about an event night for conquest that involves knives only. Players would only have knives, with different classes, there could be a...
This is an idea I thought in my head which COULD turn out to be a good event. It will be like the weekly rotational events we had a while ago. How...
Pretty simpley we become tanks for a few hours. 200hp and M249's only!! Note: this had like 0 thought put into it, I will edit this and make...
What ever happened to organised server crawls, like starting at number 1 and finishing at 14? 20 or 30 mins or so on each... I would love to see...
I know its only early days just yet, but once HNS shows itself properly, an event might be able to take place. THE ONE AND ONLY! Basically, if...
5v5 basically like social comp but teams have to be made of just one rank. Like, you could have 5 neo teams, like, a million Member teams, trooper...
hey guys just putting it out there, what would you guys think of a scout knives event on Mini Games
I used to play in surf clans ages ago and I was wondering whether we could have a small event in surf where there are set teams and it's a 5v5v5v5 or...
I was at home doing nothing, so I saw this event and was like "♥♥♥♥ yes" I'ma going! So my friends I joined : This turned out to be a fantastic...
Me and Mircan123 were talking about this idea of a knife event. the way it works is: All guns are disabled. You can only use Knife.
Alrite so me and Frendy were thinking of ways to get new people to join jb and have fun and then i realised how new maps were used to get new people...
Dear DTK Just thinking for a new event, that the zombies sever could play some ZM on some JB maps. i think it would work well because JB maps are...
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