Conversation Between Fishy and Arkwark

9 Visitor Messages

  1. Trouble, non-sense you just got trolled a tad bit, rev even laugh, hehehe.
  2. done, nvm squall Ark is crying coz he got in trouble.
  3. That one little task that still has to be done before you can leave........ Best of luck though my friend!
  4. I did nothing wrong, NAO GIMME BACK!
  5. U lost it becuase you did bad mmmkaaayy... you have to earn it back
  6. I'll get S15 my favourite staff to do it then. Maybe even Stig meister!
  7. Nope.
  8. No just give it back, I'm getting fairly annoyed now, I can't thank any posts or anything.
  9. You're not getting it
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 9 of 9