Conversation Between Muffbag and Rebellium

10 Visitor Messages

  1. boobies
  2. Discovered you joined dtk 1 day before my birthday
  3. I was talking about her wife. ONe could call her, becca's friend with benefits :P
  4. hehehe did you know that she is actually 50 years old :O
  5. uh no, my gf is actually legal age ....
  6. you JUST figured this out? I mean, it wasn't a hint any time I've been mentioning my girlfriend? lol
  7. You like it lesbie aye
  8. only when it's your mum wearing it =)
  9. You Like B====D
  10. Gratz on dust2 ja girl !! Best of luck >;d
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 10