Conversation Between Frendy and BigDel

8 Visitor Messages

  1. Hey mate any idea when the next round of promotions?
  2. Hey mate how's it going..hope u have cooled down...when's the next crawl at
  3. Big Del for SA on gg4dm...:P
  4. sounds awesome mate
  5. Post it up in that thread, ill post in the group an announcement when its on and what have you, remember MESSAGE ME ON STEAM or ill forget :P

    Ill also if you want add you to the moderators of that group when i can be bothered so we can do more of these in the future
  6. Ok sun night 6pm east std time we need to organise the crawl ate u keen, are u organising it or shd I use that thread cheers
  7. Chuck me an add on steam

  8. Hey mate

    So many peeps are leaving there seems to be a fair bit of confusion just wondering if staff were going to follow up with a statement of some sort of what is happening

    I'm sure us members would appreciate it

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 8 of 8