Conversation Between Bento and dr_fong

3 Visitor Messages

  1. Haha no worries. You can come join the team but you won't be put out on the battlefield yet if you aren't comfortable yet. In this group, I aim to help people hopefully get A LOT better at pugging. But if you wanna join just reply to the thread. No rush, I've got 11 players in the group to trial and/or getting better at pugging.

    Cheers buddy!
  2. Cheers for the invite mate, i wanna learn the finer points of pug's just not right now mate. To be honest i dont really know what pugging is ? i got a general idea tho. the only draw back with me is that i would hate to let my teammates down i.e. lose beacuse i wasn't good enough. Thats why i dint pug with my former clan. But since becca and aleid both pug i'll definatly keep it in mind.

    thanks again

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