Conversation Between Cuffeh and Fillet-o-Fish

10 Visitor Messages

  1. As I always say, "Shit's about to get real" (if I'm not lazy XD )
  2. Do whatever you like =)
  3. Cuffeh! With your wallpaper request, do you mind if I like rounden the picture then add tones of renders and shit to make it look funky?
  4. Told you that you were staff a month or so ago, but you didn't believe me XD
  5. Uhm, K.

    So yeah obviously I am not an S. Doesn't bother me, I like my green.
  6. Okay, i thought you did to, Fishy was talking about who will/might have gotton it.

    And I wasnt say you woul question it, I just type that because everyone asks so I like to pre-tell to shut them up because I'm nice XD
  7. Rowdy & Frendy were promoted to [S]. =)

    And okay? Good for you, I wasn't going to question it.
  8. I thought you go [S].

    And yes, I roam around the forums sometimes, woopdeedoo.
  9. Inbox me and I'll tell you
  10. Whyfor you leave?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 10