Conversation Between Burlesque and IcePowered

10 Visitor Messages

  1. Your sig saying 'ruffles' instead of 'rustles' really rustles my jimmies to be quite frank ^_^
  2. You will be happy to hear there are hundreds more of these videos same song

    I dub them alleyponies
  3. The end of it scared me...
  4. The link is there, but when i clicked on it, it says there is an error, so there is no video.
  5. I can't see it
  6. and wings ;D
  7. I never said it was a good sweater!

    That thinkgeek one has ears!! hahaha!
  8. ahahaha, I hate sweaters though

    THis one is about 20% cooler:
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 10