Conversation Between Complex1ty and IcePowered

6 Visitor Messages

  1. Turns out "Serialkiller" is Rusty's 2nd account. What a joke LOL.
  2. I'm stoked... Zororak actually bought a TV for his monitor. What an absolute waste. I can't explain how angry I am LOL
  3. I just don't see the purpose of these 'elite' groups besides flashing some tags around and making the environment more serious then it should be, and that ruins the fun for me, which is why I stopped playing zombies in the first place
  4. Hey mate, just wondering on your thoughts about this "Pro Wardens" group on Jailbreak. -

    I noticed you had some valid points bringing up on the Zombies one -

    What I love though is the hypocrisy in these two groups. Our thread was destroyed by trolls / JB Rands and now they have their own group, they all love it.

    Anyways mate, I just wanted to know your thoughts ^_^
  5. Well I do lift Brah.
  6. icy says this guy doesn't even lift
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 6 of 6