Conversation Between Satalin and firtvid20

8 Visitor Messages

  1. Pretty much, I'm well prepared.
  2. Haha wow, what a big collection. It's like you have an Anime GIF for anything lol.
  3. But one day I might upload my gifs folder, even though its about 10gb.... So maybe, depends on how I feel.
  4. Internet, mainly 4chan, but I also get it from randoms. Facebook, as well as just browsing on google to find one anime gif in particular. I also sometimes make em myself.
  5. Where do you get all those Anime GIFs?
  6. Hehehe
  7. Don't look for too long or you'll get hypnotized...
  8. Wow man I've been staring at those gifs in your sig for a while. xD
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 8 of 8