Conversation Between saddam and The_Knife_Guy

8 Visitor Messages

  1. I don't play CSS at all atm. I'll let you know when I will be online with a PM I promise honey. Can you say hi to 'Your Balls Are Mine Son'?
  2. What's the use playing on server#4?? Since 2 years I've seen that server becoming a shit hole tbh. From 40/40 to 22/40 at peak period! Admins have destroyed that server tbh. They even reduced running speed just because some of them sucked a huge penis at having fast reflexes. Some other servers on the national network offer original running speed you can look it up in the CVAR file thing of the server. My bhoping is quite fast but on normal settings I'll be flying like a mother♥♥♥♥er. Yet I'm not sure of non dtk members bypass these settings by default or not. I didn't have time to play. I'm thinking throwing $500 per month to rent a server somewhere in Melbourne on Internode network. That means it can host Website+Statics+2 large quarter server+4 medium servers. Money can be recovered by advertising, but that will require me lots of work to put just to prepare it.
  3. You see honey Saddam, your chat with Big Del is getting sent to me via ProRat 1.8. Once I pretended to be a chick who plays GG with him and sent him few pics. One of them was my key-logger merged with the pic. His AntiVirus is some sort of piece of shit KasperSpy, which is expired already (once it expires no protection what-so-ever). So maybe its time not to pretend you don't have that much chat with him thinking i'm who i am? I don't want to say more about whom (people) that have been exploited but yeah I got EVERYTHING under control. I just hate to say how weird some people are and what kind of porn they like to watch --> Like one guy who watches porn 3 times a day. So dunno how many faps he's capable of, but I guess BigDel suffers from premature ejaculation cuz he only watches porn movies for 3 minutes max.
  4. ahaha just come back mate and change your name....why would I tell anyone? I actually love it when you troll feels like I am the only one trolling these days. The more trolls the merrier!
  5. Accept my kind regards, The Knife ♥♥♥♥.
  6. Who knows it can be tomorrow, after tomorrow, next week, next month, next 3 months or next year. But right now I'm just laughing at the son of a bitch (Chocolate buddha) who keeps wasting his time thinking I'll be online. But no not gonna happen. If you have any tool to send you notice I'll be happy to tell you when I'm online so that you telll Big Del that I'm around and Big Del (the jew mother♥♥♥♥er) will go and tell Chocolate Buddha to ban me. You see this is all about how adults act when they are not mature and you guys are so kiddish.
  7. Dear Saddam, how are you my old arab friend? I hope hell is chilling out place. How is Satan is he still your boyfriend? Anyway. If you think I'm back to playing on this community your wrong. ACTUALLY I'm waiting till I move out to a new place so that I can use my new accounts to avoid the son of a bitch (Chocolate Buddha) banning me. Trolling will go next level I promise. There is a new super computer being made at the moment with 6 screens output can make it 12 virtual machines running 12 css easily. Right now I'm developing the bot software that goes through the memory as its linux system and easily programmable (sending commands from clone USB device that acts like keyboard and mouse). So much extra shit is available to troll I'm taking it to level +350 where these accounts can create MOFO lag that will crash the whole world. Just wait until I do my move.
  8. ahah knife guy still knifing I see...I might have to rejoin gg and show you how its done! respects respect for trolling though
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