Conversation Between Onesks and Knight_Ops.

17 Visitor Messages

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  1. They have to be the same file name and same file type. Duration doesn't matter.
  2. That's sick, did you have to keep the duration the same or just the file name?
  3. Hey Ops, don't know if you saw my in-game message but the sounds work.
  4. Will do KO
  5. That'd be pretty cool if you can get it to work properly, let me know how you go =D

  6. god now i have to retype everything
  7. Nope, no PM received ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  8. Okay i sent you a PM on forums cause i don't think i'll be on steam at all this week. Also it may have sent several times cause idk if it sent so i just kept clicking send
  9. Haha =D PM me Bro on the Forums or steam. I'm afk for a few hours bit but I'll BBL tonight
  10. Knight-Ops I have a question reply or throw 'em up Q-('-'Q)
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 17
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