Conversation Between Northy and Kylie Jenner

5 Visitor Messages

  1. oh ok
    I got to nade level without dying with 10+ mins left and i never ended up winning as the guy who joined your team kept bhopping around knifing me. I got a bit angry also xD
  2. Ohhhhh.. Nahh I know what your talking about.. Yes I was laggin as you could see me when I was walking around a corner and I couldn't see you so I said this is complete bs.. No intentions to Arden's you or anything.
  3. you left gg10 and called me something because i kept killing you. I wasn't trying to annoy you
  4. huh?....
  5. no need to ragequit.
    I was playing fair and you were probably lagging that's why you couldn't kill me :/
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 5 of 5