Conversation Between imthenewguy and Knitting

9 Visitor Messages

  1. Well played.... Well played
  2. Mmmmmmmm Tacos
  3. Omg is it like a vote command or something to enable it for a few rounds?!

    Hit me up when u are gna run it, so keen! lol
  4. The knife and nade mod is ready love to give it a run with you...
  5. Free Tacos...
    Note to self get van repainted...Mexican flag colour scheme.
    Book signwriter.
    Squalls Tasty Tacos..
    Slogan Tasty tacos with a little bit of touching....
  6. Lmao ur a funny one. I tend to get into vans marked "Free tacos inside, only a little bit of touching"
  7. Have you seen the Transit van with the sign. This is not a mobile Dungeon Tasty treats inside yet.
    You really should check it out.
    Come home soon
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 9 of 9