Conversation Between regs123 and Pilot Jones

15 Visitor Messages

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  1. Yeah you go alright
  2. Oxepon is a God and should be treated as such, so thank you for the compliment babe <3 x0x0
  3. Black people succeed in herds of whites.
    White people get jumped for they pockets in a herd of blacks.

    You are barely as popular as Oxepon.
  4. You wish you were half as popular as me
  5. idiot

    - Krez 2013
  6. Oh God.
  7. I think you know what I mean now?
  8. Hi regs u ok
  9. Piilotl Jomes
  10. That sucks homie, I'm still up too. Doesn't help when you wanna sleep too :/
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 15
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