Conversation Between crosq and TurtleSon

6 Visitor Messages

  1. I was a 23 year old virgin. Sounds horrible i know. I just never put any time into trying to find a woman. I met Annie at work about 3 years ago. I would always talk to her, but never saw her as a love interest. We starterd talking a lot in the past few months and really got to know each other. We recently went out on a few dated, but never did more than just kiss. One morning we were having our typical long conversation on the phone when the conversation turned to sex. She was telling me all the stuff she liked to have done to her. She had no idea i was a virgin. She posed the question to me what would i do if she said ♥♥♥♥ me ♥♥♥♥ me. I told her I would ♥♥♥♥ the shit out of her. She told me she loved being on top during sex. I asked her, i said ok what if you were on top of me and i said ♥♥♥♥ me ♥♥♥♥ me. She said that would turn her on so much she would cum in probably 30 seconds.
  2. There once was two people Lisa and Brian

    They got married and had a child. The only problem was that the child was only a head, he had no arms, legs or torso.

    So all his life he was picked on and teased and he always wished he had a body.

    So when he turned 21 his dad took him to a bar and let him have his first beer ever.

    When he drank a whole bottle an arm popped out.

    When he drank more bottles more body parts popped out.

    After drinking many beers he finally had a whole body.

    As they left the bar, he was very drunk and was hit by a bus and he died.

    The moral of the story "Quit while you're a head"
  3. Like I said...You have the lower body and you have no upper body, you got a problem building...wait a minute. You have the upper body, and you have no legs, you got a problem building your legs. You have the have the lower body and you don't have the upper body, the upper body, it is easier to build. So if you have the lower body and you don't have the upper body, it is easier to build the upper body. You have the upper body and you don't have the legs, you got a problem building the lower body... No, you don't understand. You have the upper body, but you don't have the lower body, you got a problem building downstairs. You got the up- legs on the bottom, it is easier to build on the top, so you don't have much as a problem. Yeah.
  4. Once upon a time there lived a girl named Catherine who was very stupid.

    One day, she put some cakes in a basket to sell in the market. On the way, one of the cakes fell from her basket and rolled down the hill. Catherine thought, “Why should I bother going after it? I will send another cake to bring it back.” So she rolled down another cake. When the cakes didn’t return she rolled down a third cake to look for them. One by one, she rolled down all the cakes she had. Now her basket was empty. Catherine was annoyed and said, “If these cakes think I am going to waste time looking for them, they are wrong. I will go to the market alone and they will come on their own.` When Catherine reached the market, her husband was very angry to see the empty basket. Catherine said, “Don’t be angry, the cakes will come very soon.” The husband realised how foolish his wife was and cursed his luck.
  5. I'm glad we have the same feelings then.... wait what.
  6. I sometimes think about you at night
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