Conversation Between Iamipood and shadowsl4yer12

8 Visitor Messages

  1. Hehehe. Thanks qtpi, This time i wont be an immature little bitch <3
    xD!Expect to see me around alot xD
  2. Qt is EM again
  3. Watchoutwegotabadassoverhere.jpg
  4. good got banned from 5 servers in 3 mins
  5. How are you bb?
  6. Hha herro
  7. Hai bb <3
  8. Yo its Mofo i took poodles wife out of my name cause everyone thought i was teh womaan in de relatnsheep so i done did mae my name Pgnjfjf:MoofSnpize agian
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 8 of 8