Conversation Between Rouge and Lil_Mexican_Bear

3 Visitor Messages

  1. i dont think i ever received it but if it isn't to complicated i would like you to make me a spray thanks.......
  2. did you ever end up getting that spray coz i can do it now sorry i havnt been on much at all and wasnt on css for ages but i could still do that spray for you if you want
  3. hey lil mexican bear u said u would make a spray for me so yea here is what i want just the dtk symbol my name on the bottom right with a kinda shadowy stealthy touch (like a shadow if u cant do that or if it takes to long dont bother) ohhh yea the whole spray will be a mix of black and darker grey colours. please make this soon ive been asking around for a while for people to make me sprays.............

    sincerely Rogue(Andy)
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