Conversation Between Ironwolf and TC_TopCat

10 Visitor Messages

  1. Dicks everywhere in those communal showers. so much hairy arse xD. its all good. we're all mates up here.
  2. I just replied to your thread!
    JB has been okay.
    Seems that everyone is a dead-keen rebeller these days.
    I tend to like JB for playing games and if I want to shoot people, I will move over to pug.
    So how many naked people do you see each day at the end of shift? (dont worry- it totally tripped me out at first too, haha)
  3. Hey mate hows everything going? Hope youre looking after JB for me mate work is good. project is moving forward slowly. tell everyone i said hello and i'll see them soon. of yourself. Pete.
  4. So, seeing as I never saw Top Cat (I used to watch Ren and Stimpy) I watched a few episodes on youtube. It's such a nostalgia hit, takes me back to shows like The Jetsons and The Flintstones. Back when cartoons were cartoons.
  5. Yeah boi!!!
    You know it!
    Hahaha. Its a great show
  6. You just made the list you crazy cat.
  7. Wow, this is as close to a Valentines as I'm going to get this year... I'll take it.
  8. Hmm, I guess it must be.
  9. I guess not.
    That friend even left you a visitor message.

    Consider it your lucky day!!
  10. Well, how about that. I just made a friend. I guess I'm not as socially awkward as I thought... >_>
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 10