Conversation Between mrunknown and Untouchable

11 Visitor Messages

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  1. I've been hearing rumours Morph is trying to overthrow your reign.
    Apparently strange things will occur sometime this night.
    Participants involved are the supposedly the strongest warriors in DTK.
    If this is true then let me be at your right side, I will protect you with my life.
  2. Do you even put out?
  3. Fear my wrath!
  4. urh yeah you are.
    dumb teenagers
  5. m8 im not a preb
  6. go fck youself preb
  7. i
    must be
    gay if i
    talk like/
  8. what thread/
    are you gay/
  9. You're just mad because I was shredding you on a few threads
  10. guess what?
    dont care
    and tell
    multiple times.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 11
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