Conversation Between Squall and Arkwark

9 Visitor Messages

  1. maybe coz...... meow meow meow
  2. Squall why do you have cats on pretty much every new announcement thread?
  3. I just took a gander at that thread, if you wish for my opinions by all means please PM me or contact me through steam, I'm feeling the need of saying something, and I think that it would be most appropriate to speak with you. Thank you.
  4. Nah, it should say who edited it at the bottom.

  5. Did you edit my thread, seems as though someone has?
  6. Fishy stole my 52 hard earned rep power and isn't returning it.
  7. I am kinda lost?
  8. Squall I want my rep power re enabled fishy had no right to take it away from me
  9. Squall I think it's time to have a quick chat with fish stick, thanks!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 9 of 9