Conversation Between wolfslayer and iMpact

12 Visitor Messages

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  1. OMG sorry impact i found out pimps account was hacked and the hacker used his friiends and my friends, it wasnt you sorry
  2. because you did it, i am reporting you to steam for hijacking an account, lets not forget you told me over steam chat you know how to do that, cos i took a screen shot of that.
  3. LOL how would I know.
  4. oh really? then who did?
  5. I didnt hack you. end of subject bro
  6. my friends brother is also a hacker, he found out that the same computer that hacked my account is the same computer that you log in on steam. and if you give back my account i will stop tomi and 3 of the admins perm banning you, they only need my demos that tomi knows i have.
  7. How did I hack you :O
  8. a duck named gary
  9. Who are you?
  10. I know you hacked my steam account and changed my password, change my password back
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 12
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