Conversation Between Nicsta50 and Drunk Gamer Dud

3 Visitor Messages

  1. Awesome. As far as the server goes, it is a little old but it was able to sustain 140fps with 15 bots and myself on it. I cant see any problem with similar amounts, or even more humans playing. Pretty sure its also got 2x 1gbps network ports so if i can get the teaming working, itl have 2gbps to play with for communicating over the lan (most hosted server have up to 10gbps). Only problem is that its A) noisy as a MOFO (it is a pure blooded rack server) and B) its F%^&en heavy so we want a good table for it.

    Here is a link you can share with the other people involved. It is a spec sheet for my server. That way if someone has a better server we can use that.
  2. Sounds great, i kinda understood half of that XD

    Ill wack you on the list of peeps who we have wanting to come (atm there is yourslef, myself, corrupted, promethious, sureshot)

    I will work out hosting the event, but if you can host the server it would be great
  3. Hey man im interested in being part of a Perth LAN for DtK. I have no ability to host the event but i do have a HP proliant DL380 rackmount server i could build into a ded server we can use (the server is technically already built, but is pre massive update). Its been a while but im sure given a couple of saturdays i could get it done. The server itself isnt top notch anymore, but it does have 2x Xeon 3.06Ghz hyperthreaded CPUs, 2GB of (admittedly slow DDR266) ram and 6 36.4GB SCSI in hardware RAID. What do you think.
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