Conversation Between Mr.Mailman and Fishy

3 Visitor Messages

  1. my old steam account got banned a while back and i made a new one but i want my dtk rank and stuff back on this account without resubmiting an aplication form so i was wondering if u knew how to swap it from my old account to this account
    NEW STEAM ID: STEAM_0:1:47164641
    OLD STEAM ID: STEAM_0:0:24761468
  2. Regarding " <[DtK] [N] Mr.Mailman> my old steam account got banned a while back and i made this one but i want my dtk rank and stuff back on this account without resubmiting an aplication form so i was wondering if u knew how to swap it from my old account to this account" the answer is
    <[DtK] [S] Fishy> MR MAILMAN you NEED to PM a STAFF MEMBER Like myself, your OLD AND NEW STEAM ID's "
    "It wouldn't hurt to include why your old account was banned either.
  3. Which staff member did you inform of your steam id change?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 3 of 3