Conversation Between Complex1ty and Goose

6 Visitor Messages

  1. Nope. However, my bro got 1500's before me and he said he could hear a little static when nothing was on. Mine are fine though. Try reintall drivers. or get them swapped because he said he couldn't work out why they did it.
  2. Yep.
  3. You have Corsair 1500's, right?
  4. Ahah nah it was before I saw that thread, I didn't even see your thread xD
  5. Yeah I realized a bit after because I hadn't seen your post on the thread. Sorry about that. Freedom is worse yeh lol but they get huge numbers all the time lol.
  6. What are you on about? "Complex, are you being smart"

    I have no idea what you are on about, in chat I was just saying what happened on Freedom Gamers Jailbreak which just occured. If there was any flaming or anything previous to what I said in chat-box, I was unaware as I didn't read any of it.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 6 of 6