Conversation Between Knitting and kingEOFFF

7 Visitor Messages

  1. I tend to have that effect on people
  2. You back..good. I was concerned about your absence.
    Welcome back
  3. HAHAHA, so first of all, apparently he's an international student hence his lack of sentence structure and his arguments going on complete tangents. The reason I banned him was because whenever I was on nade/knife level he would purposely team attack me so I would get knifed by someone on the opposite team.
    He makes no sense
  4. Does that rant make any sense to you?
  5. Final part of knife guy rant 3000 characters later....
    !CP commands are limited to dtk members, well when you get KINGofFilth to ban you for hating him and that ban is for hacking. This is where things go beyond control.
    I don't count myself to be a member of this community, as this community to be honest needs repairs. I'm happy that ♥♥♥♥ Snatch@ is not here anymore, I hope he's dead. I hope KingOfFilths die too like a train hit him and make him sausages for birds.
    I Think there should be a DTK award for longest aimless rant...
  6. Continued rant by knife guy
    Chocolate Buddha should not be admin, if my anti-social behavior is not that great then why nobody of JA, M, A members said anything when racism was taking place on everyday basis?
    Even if squall was busy, and got shit to do. There is no way to dis-approve the shit that's happening in this community, there is no equal line between people, members admins friends are way up ahead of other people.
    If squall took things seriously since Snatch@ "the mother ♥♥♥♥er"
    started banning me for silly reasons, and when other ♥♥♥♥s ban you for something stupid for 1 month. This is when things go beyond control.
    And trust me, if I wanted to do damage to something I loved (dtk) things would go beyond control. Yet I just keep buying steam accounts and just play. You see nobody can prevent me from playing, yet sometimes I gotta take some revenge back.
    Everyone knew me as the quite guy until some jew ♥♥♥♥ with the help of other trolls (they are not couple, they are +10 ppl).
  7. Seeing you enjoyed knife guys rant... Here is a another rant by him
    Dear Knitting, first i'm 22 years old. Not 26 .
    My post was kinda a trolling+ripping+joke, it's just %1 of what I feel towards this community. This community "IMO, which I'm sure you respect" needs so much help.
    I gave up on any law enforcer, nerveless to say I don't have to mention what kind of racism/bullying/hatred/......etc.....
    I don't have to mention my endless emails to Squall/Fishy about the matters that were happening, until I realized there is nothing else can be done but replying fire at the source which fire comes from.
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