Conversation Between Burlesque and MagicKarp

7 Visitor Messages

  1. Your boyfriend has changed my opinions on Redheads

    Does that mean he changes your opinion about things

    If you know what I mean :P
  2. For Safe keeping >.>
  3. I have no idea of these terms and conditions! Why do you want him to transport me to you?
  4. Do you agree with the terms and conditions for Topcat transporting you to me
  5. Olol, Im in yr 10 and i live in Victoria! Sooo yea
  6. Firstly, which state do you live in? (I only know the NSW syllabus). Which year are you in?
  7. Since you are a science teacher and I have a exam soon....... I AM FUARKED, and I need your HELP!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 7 of 7