Conversation Between Cuffeh and ELITE_PWNAGE_NUB

30 Visitor Messages

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  1. Yeah hey I voted on Christmas awards but accident sent it to earlier. Soznotsoz, but actually soz <3

    Cuffeh for staff award
  2. My names alan and i just bought a giraffe !
  3. heeappsssss funny cuffeh
  4. Heeapsssss of funnyness
  5. Heeeeeaps dun care
  6. 351 Visitor Messages

    [DtK] [EM] ELITE_PWNAGE_NUB - 21 Minutes Ago View Conversation Edit Report
    actually it was the 350th, this is the 351th. GET IT TOGETHER MAN
  7. 354 Visitor Messages

    [DtK] [EM] ELITE_PWNAGE_NUB - 1 Minute Ago actually it was the 350th, this is the 351th. GET IT TOGETHER MAN

    No. You're wrong.
  8. actually it was the 350th, this is the 351th. GET IT TOGETHER MAN
  9. That was the 353rd one.
  10. 350th profile post. "please do not call me arrogant because what i say is true but i beleive i am ze special one."
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 30
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